I've worked with young children to examine executive functioning, with adults to explore how exercise affects neurobiology, and with fMRI data to understand pain and well-being.
Now I'm collaborating with a neuroscience lab using fNIRS brain imaging systems to discover the impact of child-AI interaction.
How does child-AI interaction differ neurologically from interacting with humans?
How might child-AI interaction support executive functioning in our brain's prefrontal cortex? Could strong cognitive control systems support trauma resilience?

"Explanations: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful" by Dr. Tania Lombrozo at the Institute of Cognitive Science colloquium

"Computation in the Brain" by Knuth Prize winner Dr. Christos Papadimitrou at the Institute of Cognitive Science colloquium

"Language and the Relational Mind" by Dr. Dedre Gentner at the Institute of Cognitive Science colloquium

"Knowledge Neglect" by Dr. Lisa K. Fazio at the Institute of Cognitive Science colloquium

"Humanizing Digital" by Google's Abigail Posner at the CU Boulder Leo Hill Leadership Speaker Series
Can we visualize 4-dimensional spaces? Layne met topologist Clifford Stoll at his home in Berkeley. Cliff taught Layne how to control the handmade robot he uses to store & extract 1000s of glass Klein bottles from his underground crawlspace.